Give your dog a chance to walk without pain

Contains the most effective joint supplement ingredients on the planet!

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  • Natural Ingredients​

    Packed with human-grade, natural ingredients to reduce joint pain and keep your dog happy and active​

  • No Preservatives

    Contains only 6 powerful ingredients, all free from any potentially harmful inactive ingredients​

  • Proven by Research

    Created with a patented blend of research-backed ingredients proven to alleviate joint pain and promote joint health in dogs

  • Veterinarian Backed

    Developed by a veterinarian with over 40 years of experience, our formula meets the highest standards of safety and quality

A natural pain relief formula backed by science with proven results

Dr. Gregory's supplement is the result of thorough research, providing a scientifically proven combination of 6 powerful ingredients in the correct dosages to effectively reduce joint pain and improve joint function in dogs.

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Friendly ingredients for your furry friends

The math has been done for you

Our formula incorporates meticulously calculated proportions for each ingredient, ensuring optimal effectiveness and safety for your canine companion. Your dog will receive precisely balanced ingredients to support their overall well-being and vitality.

Contains EXACTLY what the label says

The product is guaranteed to contain exactly what the label says it contains. There is no governmental oversight or regulation ensuring quality control of supplements. One study found that 81% of randomly selected supplement products did not meet label claims, with some of the products containing 0% of the labeled ingredient ! It is important to choose a product from a reliable source, be confident of what is in the product, and consider evidence and facts, not just claims.

High-quality ingredients supported by research

Our formula is crafted using high-quality ingredients that have been extensively researched and proven to effectively reduce canine joint pain. Every component is chosen with care, ensuring your beloved companion receives the utmost relief and support for their joint health.

No fillers, additives, sugars, chemicals, or preservatives

Our product is free from any fillers, additives, sugars, chemicals, or preservatives, providing your dog with a pure and natural supplement for their well-being. We prioritize clean and natural ingredients, ensuring your pet receives the best without any unnecessary or harmful substances.

  • Stacy Clark

    "My furry babies have seen Dr. Gregory for 30 years now so I trusted his recommendation on the canine joint supplement for my 13-year-old lab, who was having trouble getting up and down. This product worked wonderful for him, and he was able to live the last year of his life comfortably. This product is highly recommended!"

  • Dr. Dodson

    "As a veterinarian, I would use this product on my own dog, I would use this product in my mom's dog. What's special about this supplement is that it has a lot of ingredients that are naturally anti-inflammatory, so I think it's all about inflammation – preventing inflammation in the joints to prevent severe arthritis down the road, finding that starting joint supplements earlier is important, not just saving it for our old arthritic dogs that are already limping."

  • Tammy Kleine

    "Within a few weeks, we could start to see a difference. He [her dog] was moving around better and just able to get up easier...we go for a walk every morning and that's important to me that he can move around and be able to go with me. We want to have quality of life and really the same for him, I want him to be able to move around and enjoy life."

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Natural Formula.
Happy Dogs.

See why dog owners are choosing Dr. Gregory’s Canine Joint Formula.

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